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Cellulose fiber market pattern analysis and future prospect
——Kevin Ding, Chief analyst from CCFGroup

2024-04-24 14:53:53

Kevin Ding, Chief Analyst from CCFGroup, delivered his report of Cellulose fiber market pattern analysis and future prospect.


The report is mainly divided into three parts:

Firstly, Mr. Ding made a review on VSF market. In 2023, VSF price was quite stable in the lack of clear upward or downward trend, which was rarely seen in history. In 2024, though the market sentiment was upbeat in the beginning, the market still kept consolidation in the first half year, at a range which had been kept for two years, indicating some changes in the industry.

Secondly, Mr. Ding made an analysis on VSF market, from the perspective of feedstock, downstream applications, and consumption. He also made a forecast on demand outside China, impact from monetary policy as well as commodity price, etc.

Thirdly, Mr. Ding offered an outlook on VSF market, from the perspective of economic growth, alternative products, and China domestic demand. In the next 5 years, global fiber consumption was estimated to increase by 11.66%, which was more than 13 million tons. The market shares of cotton were expected to stabilize or shrink, PSF capacity growth was expected to slow down. Social retail sales of apparel was expected to keep positive growth in 2024, but the growth rate may slow down.

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