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CelCo DWP Market Update
——Christian Chavassieu, Celco

2023-05-25 13:41:51

Christian Chavassieu, Managing Partner of Celco, delivered his speech of CelCo DWP Market Update


Mr. Chavassieu delivered his report on DWP from the perspective of supply, demand, pricing, etc.


In terms of supply, Mr. Chavassieu introduced the supply situation of global and China DWP, and reiterated the important role of China in world's dissolving pulp market.


In terms of demand, he analyzed DWP demand based on different regions. He said that despite the large difference in various countries, the demand was healthy on the whole with great potential in the future.


In addition, Mr. Chavassieu introduced dissolving pulp capacity and elaborated that DWP demand improved with wide disparities between markets.


Lastly, he analyzed the reasons for the rise in DWP price since 2021 based on world's logistics, DWP cost as well as labor cost.

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