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"Zero sense", originating from fiber
——Chen Jie, Sateri

2022-09-21 13:13:44


The report is divided into three parts. 

In the first part, Director Chen explained the zero-carbon concept. At present, human activities have led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and green has become the main tone. Low-carbon consumption has become a new trend under the background of China's commitment to the dual-carbon goal. Therefore, it is necessary to start from the consumer side and establish the connection between consumption willingness and low-carbon products. Based on science and standards, Sateri has become an active climate actor, promoting the green transformation of the industry through product innovation. EcoCosy? uses clean energy, the production process follows the principles of low emissions and high recycling, and actively participates in the ecological system protection plan of the raw material origin.


In the second part, Director Chen explained the concept of zero sense. Green innovation needs to be combined with the needs of product categories. Currently, the characteristics of fabrics that consumers are most concerned about are "comfort" and "softness", while the "cloud feeling" of EcoCosy? gives a light and zero sense. The fine denier fibers of EcoCosy? have softer, higher strength and easier to dye.

In the third part, Director Chen expounded the concept of zero burden. EcoCosy? can be biodegraded in 28 days in 5 major environments, and the faster degradation rate in 28 days accelerates the natural cycle and reduces the burden on the natural environment.

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